
Huntington Park High School STEAM Magnet Receives Accolades from The College Board Written by Amanda Lombarski and Frank Carcamo

Studying computer science can open doors for students, giving them the tools to excel, and preparing them for high-paying careers, but oftentimes and for far too long, females have been left behind---until now. That is because Huntington Park High School has been recognized by the College Board for expanding young women’s access to AP Computer Science classes and for the important steps they are taking to reach gender parity. Schools like HPHS receive the 2020 AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award for achieving 50% or higher female exam taker representation in one of or both AP computer science courses, or a percentage of female computer science exam takers that meets or exceeds that of the school’s female population. Today, LAUSD and Huntington Park High School STEAM Magnet proudly recognize two female Spartans, Vanessa de Santos and Sara Hernandez, who have become trailblazers in computer science.
Vanessa and Sara are both students who have taken computer science and have passed the AP exam. When asked how it felt to join an AP course predominately rostered with male students, Sarah shared that the class is not as difficult as it sounds. “Although there are times when things won't make sense, you have a whole support system from your classmates and teachers. Definitely don't be afraid to ask questions. It's okay if you don't know anything at all because I didn't know anything in the beginning.” Vanessa adds, “I would tell younger grades to not shy away from this class. It may be out of your comfort zone, and you may not know anything about computer science (at first), but you will have this support system to guide you. You will surprise yourself and see what you are capable of. Don’t be afraid to fail because we have to fail to learn.”
Vanessa said that computer science at HPHS has helped her explore choices when thinking of a career pathway. “Whether or not I choose a path down Computer Science Programming, it is still something I am able to fall back on and it was able to open a new door for me.” Sara shared that the Magnet provided rigor and presented many challenges. “It was fun creating games, coding, and making my own website. The courses taught us the principles of computer science, how to create coding games in detail with a clicker game, winning screen, and game screen--all in preparation for the AP test.”
HPHS’s Magnet Coordinator Mr. Carcamo is thrilled to see female students succeed in the program. Most recently Huntington Park High School’s STEAM Magnet has had the highest percentage of students passing the AP exam in the past five years, with the majority of females taking computer science. “Women don’t have to take a backseat to anything. You are pioneers, true trailblazers.” Vanessa proudly shared, “I think it is amazing seeing girls in a STEAM field. Society tells us this is only for boys and we’ll never be able to do it. But I think our generations and the generations coming, will change these gender stereotypes. I think if you are passionate about something then you should pursue it no matter what other people tell you.” It is that motivation that is going to continue to open more doors for our students at Huntington Park High School STEAM Magnet, and we welcome all who proudly walk through them.
Source: Ms. Amanda Lombarski & Mr. Franc Carcamo